Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Horlick Malted Milk Buildings (2013 & 2018)

I've always liked these buildings, and this little run down manufacturing area, that used to be the Horlick Malted Milk complex.

I took these pictures in August 2013.

Click on any picture to enlarge.

Cat Walks:

- Malting kilns in the background

Awning and Cream City Brick:

Power House:
- Powerhouse: Coal elevator on the side?

Grain Towers 2013:

Grain Towers 2018:

Miscellaneous Buildings:

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Horlick Malted Milk Buildings (2020)

I've always liked these buildings, and this little run down manufacturing area, that used to be the Horlick Malted Milk complex.

Construction has begun:


A crappy wood addition has come down, and it has exposed some really nice brickwork.  Notice the lower brick is lighter?  That was behind the wood section.

Also looks like one of the malting kilns are being restored or re-purposes?


The Fences Are Up!
Power House:

Grain Tower: 


Misc Photos:

Electrical Box


Friday, November 13, 2020

Logitech Harmony Remote Linux

Notes on setting up a Harmony Remote in Linux.

  • These steps created while using Xubuntu 20.10.
  • Assumes that files are saved to ~/Downloads.
  • Used Harmony 650
Install Concordance: Only needs to be done once, of course.
jefferoonie@jefferoonieZenbook:~/Downloads$ sudo apt install concordance

Setup Remote:

Go to the following website:

Ignore the following warning:

"We have detected you are using a previous release of our client software. Please upgrade the software in order to make use of its enhanced features."

Press [Next]

Log in, and use the site like normal.

Once ready to update the remote press [Update Remote] 

This will show a page signifying to press [Open] on the attachment.  Ignore this recommendation. 

Press [Next]

On the download message box, Save the file: Connectivity.EZHex

The website will go blank (all white)


jefferoonie@jefferoonieZenbook:~/Downloads$ concordance Connectivity.EZHex

After it is done, the website will refresh, and display.

Press [Next]

Wait for the site to build your update file.

On the download message box, Save the file: Update.EZHex


jefferoonie@jefferoonieZenbook:~/Downloads$ concordance Update.EZHex

After it is done, the website will refresh, and display.

Unplug the USB from the remote, and give the remote a try.

If something is not correct, make adjustments and start the process all over again.
