Sunday, April 1, 2018

TOOL SHOP Model JS-1023 Compound Miter Saw Guard Repair

The guard broke on my TOOL SHOP Model JS-1023 (SKU#240-2091) Compound Miter Saw.  The little plastic tabs that go into the spring mechanism broke, so I had to fabricate something out of 4 nuts, bolts, and a fender washer.

I basically just put it together with the fender washer on there, and then used the spring mechanism as a template to drill through the washer.

Modified fender washer installed:

Side view:

Working guard assembled to saw:

It was just a cheap saw, that I originally bought to cut some landscaping timbers.  Being a cheap saw, I found it very hard to locate a replacement plastic guard.

Even being cheap, I find it unfortunate that the most important part of the saw is what ends up breaking. I am in no ways saying what I did is safe, or the best way to do it.  It's working for me though.

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