Friday, November 13, 2020

Logitech Harmony Remote Linux

Notes on setting up a Harmony Remote in Linux.

  • These steps created while using Xubuntu 20.10.
  • Assumes that files are saved to ~/Downloads.
  • Used Harmony 650
Install Concordance: Only needs to be done once, of course.
jefferoonie@jefferoonieZenbook:~/Downloads$ sudo apt install concordance

Setup Remote:

Go to the following website:

Ignore the following warning:

"We have detected you are using a previous release of our client software. Please upgrade the software in order to make use of its enhanced features."

Press [Next]

Log in, and use the site like normal.

Once ready to update the remote press [Update Remote] 

This will show a page signifying to press [Open] on the attachment.  Ignore this recommendation. 

Press [Next]

On the download message box, Save the file: Connectivity.EZHex

The website will go blank (all white)


jefferoonie@jefferoonieZenbook:~/Downloads$ concordance Connectivity.EZHex

After it is done, the website will refresh, and display.

Press [Next]

Wait for the site to build your update file.

On the download message box, Save the file: Update.EZHex


jefferoonie@jefferoonieZenbook:~/Downloads$ concordance Update.EZHex

After it is done, the website will refresh, and display.

Unplug the USB from the remote, and give the remote a try.

If something is not correct, make adjustments and start the process all over again.


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